Kyunghee Lee – Island

(Hardcover : 60 pages ; Publisher : TOSEI ; 2008)

Kyunghee Lee, from Busan, Korea, holds BA in Pharmacy and is a Masters of Art from Busan National University. She has held 8 private and over 20 group exhibitions, and published her first book ‘island’ in 2008 (Toseisha, Japan) which was invited for book signing at the Paris Photo 2008. Her work has been shown by the Lianzhou, Yansui, Dali, Pingyao International Photo Festival of China, and Fotoweek DC, Wash.DC., Burn Gallery show, NY of USA, etc.

Magnum photographer David Alan Harvey has this to say about Lee: “With her eye and spirit, Kyunghee Lee uses the camera to tell us what she feels. While we, the viewers, may not expect what she shows us and are enlightened by what she shows us, we surely understand the moment. Viewers want surprises and to see something from everyday life seen in a new context. Kyunghee gives us this special pleasure. The world never quite looks the same again after looking at her photographs.”